Monday, June 13, 2011

Bali Art Festival 2011

Held annually as a celebration of the Arts and Culture, the 33rd Annual Bali Arts Festival (BAF) or Pesta Kesenian Bali, will take place in Denpasar, capital of Bali, from June 11th to July 9th. The Bali Arts Festival features an entire full month of daily art performances, handicraft exhibitions and related cultural and commercial activities during which literally the whole of Bali (and beyond) comes to the city to present a wide variety of dances, music and other artistic expressions.

This year also marks the new theme designated for the coming five years from 2011 to 2015, namely : Segara Giri meaning Tracing the Trails of Life. This year, being the first year in the five year cycle , the Bali Arts Festival has chosen "Desa Kala Patra" or Adaptations in a Multi-cultural World as its theme. It acts as media to excavate, conserve, and develop Balinese arts and cultures in their process towards a sustainable development that will be capable to transform potentials of local culture to work together in harmony with national and foreign cultures, to ultimately create a great new holistic world civilization.